Sunday, August 22, 2010

I lead a bible Study, whats a good topic that I should cover...?

It's a small group and we're all about...16-18. Any good idea's.

(Im non-denominational, not sure if that matters)

I lead a bible Study, whats a good topic that I should cover...?
go over Romans 12, it talks about what God wants us to do.
Reply:Elisha and the Bears (2 Kings 2:23-25)
Reply:Try distinguishing between faith and religion. Then follow up with examples from Scripture of Biblical faith and Biblical religion.
Reply:study "Theology of the Body". It is about God's beautiful and pure plan of sex, the meaning of life, etc. God bless!
Reply:Tell them about the time god told them to kill everyone, and "leave alive nothing that breatheth."

I guess that meant kill the children too.

Then tell them about the time god told them to kill all the males, and take the females for themselves. Take the females and do what with them? Deuteronomy
Reply:Start by looking at how many translations there are and how they differ.

Get a good basis of cultural factors in the stories of the Bible. They are not stories about how WE live, but how things were long ago. Get a basic idea of cultural relativism.

Always discuss how what the Bible says fits into your present day life.

And ask yourselves if you can really do the things Jesus taught his disciples.

Like start with the Lord's Prayer and learn it, and how He taught to say it. Find it in Aramaic and get a feel for the SOUND of it. "ABBA".
Reply:How about am I living the life that Jesus wants me to live? I would stick with subjects that would hold their,things that they could apply in their own lives.

maybe, problems with friends,drinking,sex, drugs,such peer pressure, picking on other kids because they are diffrent,

When I was a teen,my teacher always let us have a gab session..we were allowed to talk about anything and everything but to involve the whole group.
Reply:should we worship three gods? or only the God of heavens? should we worship only the God who sent Jesus ?
Reply:1 Corinthians 13 (the "love" chapter)

Hebrews 11 (Hall of Faith)

Romans 6 (sacrifice of yourself to Christ)

Matthew 5-7 (the jist of Sermon on the Mount...VIP)

Those are just some very important passages that I think are beneficial during teenage years.
Reply:Gee, how about "Jesus never existed?" Try these websites:
Reply:Talk about the problems people face each day and how to fight temptation.

Discuss forgiveness and what is required in order to be forgiven ourselves.

Talk about smoking, drinking, gambling, adultery, fornication and why they are sinful

People need to discuss problems they encounter, or they know other people encounter, and how to deal with them so by using the Bible as your guide, they can draw strength from the Word on how to overcome temptation when it hits.
Reply:Don't know if you meant that there will be 16 - 18 of you - which is NOT a small group or the lot of you are between 16 and 18 years old, which would make a difference.

If there are 16 - 18 of you, you might need to break out into much smaller groups for discussion purposes. Don't let any one person lead the conversation, otherwise it will take you hours to get through. A wonderful women's study is Beth Moore's new Daniel Study. Talk about powerful AND broken down in a way that is understandable.

If you are between 16 and 18 years old, I commend you. It's always best to start with the Gospels. John is a doll, I'd start with him. Allow people to get to know exactly who Christ is and why they should make a decision for Him.

There are many great studies both on line and in any Christian book store.

Any time anyone starts a study, please remember to pray before AND after your gathering. It's best to remind people through prayer that all spoken is to glorify God alone.

Careful with the gossip and above all, have fun!

katiefish %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:how about the talking donkey bit - it's good for a laugh
Reply:Evolution....don't tell them it doesn't exist and has no relevance. Tell them its a theory with pounds of evidence and that it doesnt hurt the bible one bit, if your faith is strong.

Sick of people avoiding evolution by sending their kids to christian schools. It should be considered child abuse because the kids deserve to hear all sides! equally
Reply:If you are the leader of a bible study, then God has given you that place of leadership. You know the ones in your want a study that will be beneficial to all. Even if you don't know what they are all going through, God does, and if you pray to Him for guidance, He'll show you what everyone needs to study. God bless you.
Reply:Discuss the Godhead. Find every scripture that talks about the Godhead in any way. Using only the Bible and nothing else see if you can discover what the Godhead really is. With no reference to what you believe or the traditions of others - can you discuss only the ideas contained in the Bible with an open mind to discover what the Bible actually teaches?
Reply:Have you tried the book of Job? I did that study years ago and it still brings relevance to my life now!

Have a blessed day!
Reply:Study about your identity in Christ from the book of Romans (esp. chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8) together. There is an excellent book to help you called "Walking in Victory" by Dennis McCallum out there. A companion study guide for group leaders is also available. Also here you will find plenty of free materials including multimedia presentations to assist you:

You will be greatly blessed by studying this topic. But when you're done, don't just sit on it, but talk to your pastor and present what you have learned to the whole congregation in a form of a poster presentation or PowerPoint slideshow.

Reply:How about teaching the Catholic priests that when Jesus said: "suffer the little children come unto me", molesting the altar boys isn't what he meant.
Reply:The gospel of Mark. It's the shortest and first gospel written and fun to learn about. Get the Jerusalem bible: it has some great footnotes.
Reply:Checkout passages with the word FEAR, be not afraid. discuss why it comes up so often

Eye pencil

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