Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is there anyone willing to study the Bible with me?

Just wondering if anyone would have the time, patience, and interest to study (through email) with me the Bible, in a very thorough sort of way. Anyone who is willing to entertain my endless questions about it, in a detailed manner? If so, let me know here, and tell me your general outlook on the Bible if you would like. Thanks.

Is there anyone willing to study the Bible with me?
I would LOVE to. Email me. The Bible is the most fascinating thing to me. And I think I get something different out of it every time I pick it up. I think it's great to have an accountability partner to keep up with God's word with. Helps you keep in line.
Reply:I am in a Bible study group with my mom and her family. We started in Matthew and are now in Acts. I would be more than glad to send you the questions that I make up, but you would really need a KJV, cause that is where my questions come from. Some of them are hard and some are easy. Which I cannot get to hard because my mom and her family don't know much. I could not at this moment take on another study. This takes up my time as is. God bless.
Reply:The Bible to me, is the unchanging and infallible word of God- and I would love to study the bible with you. Email me - it is wonderful that someone wants to study His Word here.
Reply:I just completed a Bible study and will be going into my next one. It was an incredible experience but one you have to approach with an open heart and a willingness to know our saviour. I would really enjoy exploring the Bible with you if you havent already found someone
Reply:Ask your Questions..My outlook on the bible..

From its first book, Genesis, to its last, Revelation, the Bible is composed of 66 books written by some 40 writers of vastly different social, educational, and professional backgrounds. The writing was done over a period of 16 centuries, from 1513 B.C.E. to 98 C.E. Yet, the end result is a book harmonious and coherent, outlining the logical development of a prominent theme—the vindication of God and his purpose through the Messianic Kingdom.

Here is what the apostle Paul wrote the Christian overseer Timothy about the beneficialness of the Holy Scriptures: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) As Paul said “all Scripture,” he meant the whole Bible, not just the so-called New Testament, which some religionists of Christendom say is all that is necessary for Christians, and not just the inspired Hebrew Scriptures, which the Jews say is all that is necessary for gaining a blessed life in the future world. We need the whole Bible, the pre-Christian part and the Christian part, for both parts are “inspired of God,” and we dare not ignore anything that God inspires. All of it is beneficial to seekers of everlasting life in happiness. It is just as the apostle Paul wrote after he had made a quotation from the pre-Christian Hebrew Scriptures and applied it to Jesus Christ, saying: “For even Christ did not please himself; but just as it is written [in Psalm 69:9]: ‘The reproaches of those who were reproaching you have fallen upon me.’ For all the things that were written aforetime [that is, before the time of Christ] were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures [written before Christ] we might have hope.” (Rom. 15:3, 4) Hence for any “man of God” to be “fully competent, completely equipped,” he has to have and use the whole Bible.
Reply:Yes, just send me an e-mail %26amp; please consider these points:

Many will say Jesus didnt exist or if He did exist He was either just a good man or prophet. Many will give u many answers as to what u should/shouldnt do regarding God. Many will say theres no God or God is this or that way.

1 should be cautious in accepting anything just because someone says its so (the Bible warns us not to trust anyone, even ourselves - Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Pr 14:12; Acts 17:11). Carefully think over what I say but dont just believe it. Its good u are young as u have a better chance of finding the real truth. I wish someone had shown me these things when I was young as it might have kept me from making some of mistakes.

Always remember: Neither a label or the amount of time something exists means anything - its whats behind the label that makes it valid or a lie. Most Bibles contain the truth but many have a few to many errors.

Its best to use a version that will give 1 the quickest path to the truth %26amp; to have the best possible chance of overcoming confusion, which shall come along the way. I have access to 30+ translations. I have found the best 2 versions (1 or 2 others r almost as good but not needed. The following is why I stick to these 2:

Unfortunately, theres too many Bible translations %26amp; not all r good. Being wise we know there cant be that many versions that can be the best/close to the original texts. Theres 3 main types of translations with overlaps/mixtures within each catagory (dependant on agenda(s) or philosophical approach - some may classify some in 1 catagory when they may fit in or belong in another - especially with B%26amp;C below):

A. Word 4 word %26amp;/or literal translations

B. Dynamic equivalence or thought 4 thought

C. Concept 4 Concept %26amp;/or paraphrased

1a. Word 4 Word %26amp;/or Literal Translations

Bible translations I go for r based on "word 4 word" %26amp;/or "literal" methods. The reason is they adhere best to the originally text. The translations, best 1rst, is King James III (KJ III) (newest update) by J. P. Green (he also published a Literal Translation %26amp; an Interlinear Version (IV) - includes Hebrew%26amp;Greek), English Standard Version (ESV) - the "easiest good version" to read (a related update of Revised Standard Version (RSV - best older translation), New American Standard Bible (NASB) - (update: a little harder to read but moved to B - like NKJV it has sentence structure issues %26amp; more errors came to my attention), %26amp; Amplified Version (AV) (harder to read than the others %26amp; sentence structure is at issue).

1b. Old English Versions

Unfortunately all other English translations have inherent problems %26amp; errors. The Old English versions like the King James Version (KJV), American Standard Version (ASV), Revised English Version (REV), Darby %26amp; other similar versions are written in old English thats not been used for over 200 years. While they may be poeticly nice the Bible isnt about poetry. The Bible is hard enough to understand without trying to decifer a long outdated language - even if word 4 word/literal methods were used it wont help much.

The truth is hidden in the Bible %26amp; it takes a lot of time %26amp; energy to mine the truth as it is. Theres many well-meaning people whom will tell you King James is the only "authorized" version (KJV is authorized by a "human" king not God). Many words used in old English arent even rightly definable any more. Sadly, the Catholic church started on a wrong platform %26amp; continued to add more twisted teachings (Other churches/religions followed suit to 1 degree or another). Use of old English helps promote Biblical ignorance.

2. Dynamic Equivelance %26amp;/or Thought 4 Thought

Its good to stay away from all other more popular versions because they, to 1 degree or another have rewritten passages %26amp; verses. While many were well-meaning they ended up watering down or causing significant changes to the meaning of God's actual message %26amp;/or block the true power of God's word from being understood.

Many well-meaning people tried to make versions so-called easier or more pleasurable to read - the Bible isnt a storybook or novel - but they were trying to please humans instead of God. They used dynamic equivalence %26amp;/or thought 4 thought %26amp;/or used some literal/word 4 word methods of interpretation thrown in where the original was obviously better. Where these methods went wrong is because they tried to 1 degree or another to rewrite verses in their own words (calling them so-called modern English, etc.) %26amp;/or style. The more liberally applied the worse the version (especially if they had a hidden agendas).

These versions include: sad to say all Catholic versions [especially with inclusion of the so-called "lost" or Apocrypha books, which dont adhere to the foundation/structure of the rest of the Bible](some wont like this but its true), the (NASB), NRSV, NKJV, HCSV, CEV, GNB, NCV %26amp; others with similarly applied methods.

3. Paraphrased %26amp;/or Free Translation

This catagory includes but isnt limited to the LT, NIV, NIRV, NLV, NLT, TNIV, NLV, The Way - Paraphrased + the Message Bible (a couple of the worst offenders but every version listed here is almost as bad as the Paraphrased %26amp; Message Bible - they lean toward making the Bible more like bedtime stories than the word of God). The more liberally applied the worse the version (especially if they had hidden agenda(s)).

These translation method(s) bend, rewrite %26amp;/or water down what was originally intended (intentionally %26amp;/or unintentionally for various preferences/agendas). If u want the best chance of finding God's actual message dont use these versions - they have the best chance of giving u a distorted picture %26amp; message %26amp; u could wind up remembering them that way, instead of what God intended). Stick with the 2 versions I list under catagory 1 to get to know what God actually intended.

Then theres other so-called Bibles/Scriptures that have nothing to do with God. They are the New World Translation (JWs), Mormon, the Qu'ran %26amp; others claiming to be from God. The true Comforter is the Holy Spirit not Muhammed or other self-proclaimed prophet or teacher.

Its true theres many religions in the world. Its also true many religions made many mistakes (some fatal) over time, as they built religions on what man would like God to be like. But I realized they cant all be right (i.e. Theres only 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:***19-21). I found that religion, for the most part, wont teach you much about God (they cant teach what they don't understand). But it doesnt mean God doesnt know what He's doing.

The main point many miss is: Jesus Christ is the only 1 in history whom stated that He is "the" way, "the" truth %26amp; "the" life %26amp; no 1 could get to God except by Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12) %26amp; is also the only 1 whom said He came from God. Either thats fully true or theres no truth %26amp; cant be any God (He knows what He's doing or He's not God).

Since Jesus stated He's the only way to know whom God is, this means "the" whole truth was complete %26amp; therefore, finished thru what Jesus taught %26amp; did. This means any so-called new teaching appearing thereafter %26amp; any other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets %26amp; teachers are invalid, null %26amp; void %26amp; serve no purpose for knowing God. But I assure u God always knew what He's doing, including all Jesus Christ would do.

In fact, Jesus couldnt have done nor said what He did unless He had full knowledge of the entire Old Testament (the New Testament didnt exist at the time of Jesus - the only way Jesus could've understood the whole OT is if God was with Him) %26amp; the Apostles couldnt remember %26amp; write down all thats in the NT unless Jesus allowed them to remember %26amp; understand His purpose (Lk 24:25-27,45). None of this could be possible unless an incredibly Intelligent Being made it happen.

But God outsmarted man - the Bible is the only 1 known to man that cant be properly understood without going thru Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14 - If Jewish people cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus then for sure neither can all gentiles). This is why theres so many interpretations %26amp; many thinking its all fairytales.

Many dont realize that God is well aware many people would intentionally %26amp;/or unintentionally twist %26amp; prevert His Word so He invented a system in the Bible that will never change (Just like God %26amp; Jesus - more visible in word 4 word/literal versions).

To begin finding our real Jesus Christ, start with Jn 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus told him he had missed the 1rst most important step - being Born Anew. To be Born Anew u must 1rst understand that no 1 has lived without sinning against God as we cant live without breaking God's Law (Rom 3:23; Acts 3:19). Therefore, u must pray to Jesus asking Him to forgive your past sins (sin separates us from God), accept Jesus Christ as your 1 %26amp; only Savior, ask Him to give u God's Holy Spirit (Lk 11:11-13; Jn 15:26; 14:26), seek to know %26amp; follow Him - u will always need your Bible(Jn 7:17; Jn 1:12,13; 3:16,17;21; 36; 5:24: 6:37; 8:12; 10:9; 11:25; 14:6; 20:31; Is 34:16;46:10).

Whoever seeks Jesus Christ, the Son of God with all his heart %26amp; soul will find Him. But why should God want 1 to live with Him forever if they dont want to know Him? The truth of God remains forever while things of a man dies with him, including his religions %26amp; gods made in his image. I'll pray for u.

Reply:Sure I'd love to! I believe that the KJV bible is the inspired Word of God, without flaw or contradiction. I know quite a bit about the bible, I'd be delighted to answer any and all questions you might have. Just email me.
Reply:Why not, E-mail me,
Reply:Of Course, Heron. I would love to witness my faith for the Lord Jesus Christ and my God. Just email me! :)
Reply:You ask whatever question you want about the Bible to me. Anytime! I love talking and discussing the Bible.
Reply:You can email me and I will try to help. Or you can just check out the Q%26amp;A's on YA. Or ask your questions on YA R%26amp;S.

Here is a Bible Study Course that you can take that will help give you a great foundation in the truth of the Bible:
Reply:Always make sure you study with the correct premise.

Avoid traditional teaching.

Accept that Almighty God has a NAME as well as his titles of GOD and LORD.' Exodus 6;3 and Psalm 83; 18

Accept that Jesus is God's son and not God himself. John 5;19 7;28

Accept that Jesus is the only channel for prayer to God.

Accept that the Holy Spirit is God;s power and not a third person.

Accept that there is NO trinity.

Accept that Jesus existed in heaven, alongside his Father, for a long time before he was SENT, by his Father, to the earth.

Proverbs 8; 22-31

These are the basics.

And that the Bible must be treated as a whole, with the OT as important as the NT.

Daniel 2;44 matches Matthew 6; 9,10
Reply:I would love too but i am still learning myself.

You may email me %26amp; i will try to help as best i can.

If you like i can put you in touch with people with far greater knowledge %26amp; understanding than i.
Reply:Of course.I will.Happily.
Reply:Sure, I'm glad to do that with you, or make available to you either online or Bible studies by mail.
Reply:Yes! I really need to get into that type of stuff. Please email me!
Reply:No thanks. I prefer non-fiction.

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