Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is it possible to tell how unpleasant a christian is by how much they study the bible?

A christian friend of mine (16 years as friends) made the comment that it would seem the most pleasant christians dont really believe the bible all that much. Which is a bit confusing for him. He doesnt know I am an atheist yet. (he thinks I am just 'backslidden' christian)

The more they study and believe the more unpleasant they become. Thats a theory I have, what do you reckon.

christians feel free to answer also.

Is it possible to tell how unpleasant a christian is by how much they study the bible?
i have been studying the bible avidly most of my life - first as an atheist, now as a believer...i guess you will have to look at my other posts to determine my "humor level" - not to be confused with my "humours", which would involve draining my fluids...

hope this helps clarify the issue!

of course i have run into a lot of unpleasant christians as well; some study a lot, some study little, but those that are so unpleasant all have in common an unhealthy urge to judge others, which was strongly discouraged by jesus, so i guess their status as believers has then to be questioned...

but i don't judge them;)

good post!

ps. i am a serious, studious believer. good luck quantifying your results! LOL!

ummmm...ak ? how exactly does that answer the question?
Reply:bombhead I didnt say it answered the questions. just nice answer.

I left it to public vote, because its not really the type of question I could pick a best answer for.

You got most votes (2). good one Report Abuse

Reply:Nope just figure that they're all unpleasant.
Reply:I think you got it all wrong. It should be 'How much they DON'T study the bible'.

You should have met some happy, bible reading christian in other parts of the world.
Reply:I study the bible and I am not a christian I see the truth in the bible and it makes it fun to study.

Instead of blowing things out of proportion I look at everything and bring it down to a rationale scale.

I am not unpleasant or unhappy at all.
Reply:No it is not possible. as each person is different. some will follow this path as they may become fanatics . while others will remain pleasant people with open minds. and don't mind a bit of give and take discussion.

some people never read the whole or any part of the bible and can have the same ratio of good and evil people.

It is how well you understand the life of the people that lived back then and what the scriptures meant to them . most were semi nomadic and towns were just starting to be formed . the rest of the people were farmers and herdsmen.
Reply:Have you done any scientific research on your theory?

I would hazard a guess that the answer is "no," otherwise you would have quickly concluded that there are people who are well versed with regard to the Bible and who are also pleasant to speak with and be around.
Reply:Your theory is no more correct than your choice to be an Atheist, an Atheist that lies to his friend of 16 years. Stop being a coward, tell him you are an Atheist.
Reply:Dan Barker studied the bible alot. It turned him into an Atheist after being a preacher for 20 years.
Reply:I don't agree. I tell an unpleasant person (Christian or not) by how tolerant he or she is to other opinions. Me too, I have a Christian friend (mine has been so for 34 years of the 35 years of age we both are) and he's not unpleasant because he does not try to convert me (an unbeliever).

BTW, how can you be friends for 16 years and not tell him you're an atheist? Are you actually friends?
Reply:The truth is, different minded people often clash. If I were an eighty year old man who was only interested in war stories, I would most likely find a young lady who only concerned herself with reading seventeen unpleasant and, lets face it, annoying. Atheist with Atheist is more pleasant than Atheist with Christian.
Reply:I don't read the bible at all and im a christian, i wish i read it more, but im going to have to disagree with you, because my parents who both spend several hours a day with there bibles are complete opposites, my mom is pretty uptight while my dad is super laid back and cool.
Reply:No, Bible reading is nothing to do with the spiritual life. Scribes and pharisees know much scriptures but didn't accept Jesus. Magi of East who didn't have Scriptures got the revelation of God and they accepted him.
Reply:yes,im a christian...and i spend time everyday studying gods word...reading it meditating.,researching it and etc....for god states in his word "study and show yourself approved"....there could be a lot of reasons ur friends dont seem pleasant about gods word....1)r they really christians-for any one that loves and serves god would have to love his word...for he says"i am the word"...seems they need to do a self examination to me .....and visit where their relationship is with god?? john1;1
Reply:Hey CJunk, Haven't seen you around in awhile tormenting these poor people.LOL You know I love your questions!! Lets see.....The only ones that really become unpleasant-to me- is the ones who think they know everything, it's believe like I believe or you go to Hell. Some act as if they have already been sitting on the right hand of God themselves. Doesn't it say somewhere in the bible that one should not be too sure of his salvation. Anyways take care.
Reply:This kind of mentality puts me off. I am not against Christianity but how one interprets it is individual and according to one's personal beliefs. It is a guidebook for the people. This will be my last question. My head is spinning.

There was a show about literalist interpretations of divorce law. I feel there is nothing wrong with divorce as long as you have really tried to work things out and there is no real hope or desire to have a happy marriage. The preacher on the radio show insisted that in only two instances can you get divorced: adultery or desertion.

Now what happens if:

Your spouse is gay and in denial and only married you to cover it up and have a family and financial security;

Your spouse doesn't respond to you sexually or romantically;

There is a communication breakdown;

She is greedy and difficult;

He is indifferent and neglectful;

One is dedicated to work too much;

There is neglect, drug addiction or abuse in the relationship that

counselling, legal proceedings, interventions, talking and ultimatums can't solve;

You got married to avoid work or study and regret it;

You married too young;

You married because of family or religious pressure;

You married because you were pregnant;

Your spouse cannot hold down a job and you cannot support him;

You have a terrible accident or your spouse does and there is no hope.
Reply:That feeling you get is mutual.(christian)
Reply:By unpleasant, do you mean, how uncomfortable you are to be around them or how hypocritical they seem to be?

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