Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What comes first your tv guide or your bible study?

One the table, side by side:

The Holy Bible and the TV Guide.

One is well worn, but cherished with pride,

No, not the Bible, but the TV Guide.

One is used daily to help folks decide;

No, it isn't the Bible, it's the TV Guide.

As the pages are turned, what shall they see?

Oh, what does it matter--turn on the TV.

Then confusion reigns; they can't all agree,

On what they shall watch on the old TV.

So they open the book in which they confide,

No, not the Bible, the TV Guide.

The word of God is seldom read,

Oh, maybe a verse as they fall into bed.

Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be,

Not from reading the Bible, from watcing TV.

So then back to the table, side by side,

Is the Holy Bible and the TV Guide.

No time for prayer, no time for the word,

The plan of salvation is seldom heard.

Forgiveness of sin, so full and free,

Is found in the Bible, not on TV.

What comes first your tv guide or your bible study?
I loved the poem, and its a good question, I have a TV, but don't have cable or any programming, My husband and I wanted to devote more of our time to reading the Bible and using our time to bring ourselves more in subjection to God's will.

I'm afraid all too many of us neglect reading the Bible not only for TV watching but things like the Internet.

I am trying to get up in the Mornings and start my day with reading the Word , and give my best to him before i start my other activities.
Reply:It's a shame people don't put as much thought into picking a religion as they do into picking which shows to watch.

Then again, some people are strong enough to do away with television altogether.
Reply:t.v guide
Reply:I don't read the TV guide either.
Reply:bravo,bravo,bravo,I'm just kidding ,

the bible?
Reply:i have both, but i treasure my Bible more
Reply:I like the poem.
Reply:that's a lovely poem and o so true :)
Reply:I do watch T.V and I read my Bible, not as much as I would like but thats not because of TV.
Reply:The poem that you give ....is not the way all people live....The Bible is the oldest book we own....it should not be compared with the.....T.V. ....guide alone.....with a little bit of respect....the Bible....we should never neglect!!
Reply:i dont have eather. I have digital cable. Man, i just tivo that **** and im good.
Reply:the Bible is evil, i trust my TV guide at least TV doesnt threaten with hell and damnation for those that dont watch it. (unless its a evangelist network)
Reply:I am so ashamed you caught me out. please don't tell anyone.
Reply:I think I'd go with the internet over either television or the Bible. Television is fairly dull nowadays, more often than not. The Bible is a decent reference if you need to analyze a passage for whatever reason, but it doesn't make for terribly interesting reading otherwise.
Reply:I don,t really read any but it,s probably the bible.
Reply:My Bible, I don't get the TV guide.
Reply:I prefer text books.
Reply:Cute poem. I don't watch TV, so my answer is Bible study.

Oh wait, Yahoo Answers, then Bible study. :)
Reply:That is a really awesome poem. My kids are most defiantly gonna read this one, because it is so true.
Reply:Neither, I don't own a TV and I am not a christian.
Reply:This is a good poem and certainly looks at human nature the way it is. God asks us for only 10% of our 'fruit of the spirit' but we fall very short of the Glory of God.Praise the Lord for His Forgiveness!
Reply:very good poem.
Reply:I never buy a TV guide and my Bibles are stored with the other books, taken out occasionally to settle an argument.

So surprisingly, this Atheist refers to a bible more than a TV guide.
Reply:Great verse :-)

I don't watch much TV %26amp; I don't read the bible. YA is my vice.
Reply:none, i dont believe in anything, just that the only thing certain in life is death, and i dont watch the telly because theres always a load of rubbish on
Reply:None - Stick an Ikea catalogue on the side - it makes far more interesting reading and is more widely published and read than the bible!
Reply:Thanks for that. The Word is now seldom read by man as they find other vain things to occupy their time.

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