Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To my atheist friends: Questions about Bible study?

To what passages of the Bible do you find contradictions?

Do you feel as if they are simply mistranslated?

Do you dismiss all stories of the Bible?


Please answer honestly for yourself. Thank You

To my atheist friends: Questions about Bible study?
I'm not an atheist; I just feel that a good deal of what is in the Bible is rhetoric.
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Reply:1. I don't bother with that line of atheist reasoning. Christians are ready for it, and they have a long list of convoluted explanations. The whole thing just gets bogged down.

2. Translation is another one I don't use, for the same reasons as above.

3. I've understood enough of the Bible stories to be able to prove that Christianity is wrong from the Bible itself, without, as I've said, using the contradiction method.
Reply:Genesis 1 and 2 have different creation accounts.

Genesis 7:6 and 8-9 have different counts of animals on the ark.

They are not mis-translated, they're from different priestly traditions with different agendas. This is why the bible CANNOT be literally true. (And how would the author know how creation happened, anyway?)

The bible contains some legitimate history, like the list of kings of Judah and their reign lengths.
Reply:I don't care about contradictions in the Bible. Even if the Bible were 100% consistent, that wouldn't make it even 1% correct. All of the Harry Potter books were consistent, as far as I know.

I do think that much of the Bible has been mistranslated, and certainly misinterpreted.

I dismiss all of the stories of the Bible. While I think some value can be gleaned by some of the lessons Jesus was trying to impress upon people (i.e., be nicer to each other), I don't think he was the child of any deity, and the rest of the stories are myths or editorially inserted opinions.
Reply:The bible is rife with contradictory statements, implausible stories, violence, and misogyny, and its all built on the weak foundation of believing that there is a creator of the universe that is omnipotent, is gender-specific, and has entirely human characteristics.

Its absurd to me.
Reply:Besides there being no evidence for:

1. Creation

2. the Flood

3. The Exodus (Including the time and person of Joseph through Moses and the flight)

4. The Sun stopping (every civilization around should have noticed that)

5 The sun moving backward

6. Any other miracle or God orchestrated event.

There are four contradictions that are significant to me: 1. Adam and Eve are told not to eat the fruit; at this time they don't know it's wrong to be naked, nor do they know it's wrong to disobey. God has no problem with them being naked, however punishes them for disobeying. (this is not to mention that he doesn't mention the fruit of eternal life or that the talking serpent misses that one as well)

2. We are to forgive unconditionally; however God places conditions on his forgiveness.

3. Satan rebelling out of pride and taking 1/3 of the angels with him is a something I'd expect out of a children's story. As a real life motivation it lacks any sort of depth.

4. Satan's temptations of Jesus were also very, very weak and simplistic.

There are a number of other contradictions that can be found on various websites. But I'll leave this with one last thought, what kind of god designs a need for a blood sacrifice?
Reply:I have a long list. There are too many to just be mistransalations. There are so many errors that I doubt everything in it. Luke indicates that Jesus was born perhaps 10BC and 7AD which is 17 years difference. Joseph's lineage is quite differnt in matthew and Luke. Even his father is different. Just in the tales of Jesus' birth, there are many contradictions. You sound like a crypto-Christian claiming he is an atheist, but I do not care. I can answer anyone who asks such questions.
Reply:1. Whole Bible's a contradiction unto itself.

2. Yes. I dismiss the entire "document" as fiction, just as you dismiss "The Cat in the Hat" as fiction.
Reply:Here are a few for you


Happy reading
Reply:The walls of Jericho never fell down due to the sound of any trumpets. Christians claim the bible is scientific- tell me the scientific principle involved in that particular instance.
Reply:I take it as any other mythology book.

But less entertaining

The Flood Story

Promise of all prayers to be answered.

This could get to be a long list.
Reply:Answer C. It's all bollocks!

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