if the bible is the word of God, for us now....why is it full of myths from other earlier cultures? wouldnt God have origional stuff? heck, even noah came from the mesopotamians......and dont just say its true, because thesre are the religions that the bible railed against......thanks!
Bible study question, anyone who knows anything about the bible click here!!?
OK I know this will piss people off, but even the theme of Jesus being the son of God (an immortal) and Mary (a mortal) is not a new theme in mythology. The Egyptians believed every single Pharaoh was half-divine, a son of Ra the sun God who sneaked into the queen's bedroom and impregnated her. So if you wanted you could even say Christianity is a borrowed myth from an earlier culture. Or...you could say Satan is messing with our heads again. Food for thought.
Reply:Why do we continually get asked the same questions over and over and over....It is not full of myths. It is Original. You don't believe because you are deceived. You are proving the Word of God. Everyone who comes to this site and attacks Christians and our beliefs, God and the Bible....are fulfilling scripture.
The Bible existed loooooong before any other culture...they are the 'thieves'....
Reply:Did you know that the Bible says that Satan wants to be like the Most High? I'm sure lotsa stuff in other cultures are similar. He can come as an angel of light.
Can you disprove the flood? I guess we can pull scientists for and against.
Got another example?
Giants isn't a myth. It's a tall race of people.
Dragons could be any number of species now extinct. It's also symbolic.
Unicorns were probably an elk like animal. Not with magical powers.
Reply:Our religion is based on faith and faith is "being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see."
Reply:Myths huh?
Whatever you say dear.....
The bible is 100% accurate and God-breathed.
Reply:1. no myths, lack of studies it what makes it seem like myths.
2. bible is original, how much more original do you need?
Reply:there are many different things that have showed that things might have happened differently that as explained in the bible... but never proven as much... and never will be... part of believing in God and what the bible says if having faith... if you are studying the bible you sholdnt do it without first having faith that what it says is true... having a relationship with God is much like that of having a relationship with any other person that you love... you dont have any way of proving that they are always going to love you and be truthful with you and never let you down... but you go into the relationship with a certain degree of faith that they wont... the difference is that unlike God, people dont put these promises in writing... where as He did... there were never any myths...and just for the record the bible never railed another religion... there were people who had a part in the bible who may have said some negative things about other religions, but negativity never came out of the mouth of Jesus... and Jesus is the one whos words came from God. Good luck in your studies... I hope you are as truely as blessed as i have been.
Reply:It's the other way around. The Mesopotamians have a account about him. So do the Chinese, and many other cultures.
Many cultures have the Bible accounts as a root of their stories.
Reply:The bible also mentions giants, dragons, and unicorns.
Reply:What is your question? The bible is the word of God. You are calling things in it a myth. Are you asking and answering your question yourself? Seems so.
Reply:I don't have an answer. But, I laughed my @ss off at the "your mom is a mesopatamian" answer.
Thanks for the laugh. That was awesome.
Reply:"B" Basic
"I" Instructions
"B" Before
"L" Leaving
"E" Earth
Why does everyone think the Bible shouldn't have mistakes. We all make them, we are open for forgivness, why aren't we open to give forgivness?
Reply:It's a selection of tales and legends inspired by the stories that bronze age middle eastern goat herders were telling each other at night, around the camp fire, playing to scare each other.
Wat is truly amazing is that some people suffering from delusional mental disorder think that they are true stories...
Reply:Hmmm did you know they found the ark?
Reply:It is a collection of cannonized writings....inspired by God written by men. There are books and verses that say it shall not be added to or taken away from. It is up to you to apply it to your life. It's relevance applies in any age because we are facing the same moral issues as always. Read Ecclesiastes.
Reply:Many are called...few are chosen. It's called faith. I guess you're one of the many.
Reply:In studying the Genesis Flood legend, we can observed first of all that it was not simply the story of one local tradition.
Every continent on the planet told the same amazing story of an ancient flood similar to that of Noah's!
Even the evolutionary scientists were puzzled by this consistency in the retelling of the flood story.
How could such far away countries as Australia and in South America, many thousands of miles from the Middle East and the ancient Hebrews, have the same legend as Mesopotamia?
In the Asian country of India, for instance, their flood legend said a fish told a man to build himself a boat, and when the flood receded, the man found himself on top of a mountain!
The African legend told of a rainmaker causing a great flood to destroy the wicked people.
Some Native American tribes have an origin myth about a great snow that melted and caused a great flood to cover all the trees and Rocky Mountains; the animals were all saved because a man put them in his canoe.
No, far the contrary of what you've stated in your question, the ancient Hebrews had their own flood legend, and the Mesopotamians had theirs, and each didn't get their flood story from the other!
You can't get much more original then that, and for the matter, what about the 'original' account of creation in Genesis? No other ancient peoples,i.e. the Sumerian, Babylonians have a creation story whereby ONE God created the Universe and earth! They are all polytheistic(many gods involved) accounts of creation!!
Reply:In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.
The word existed before time began and it is not a question of tracking cultures; unless you want to look into the religions produced by Cane and his children.
Reply:just becouse they cane from other faiths does not mean they did not realy happen. I think much at the beginning of Genasis is to be taken as symbolic rather than literal but it is all from God.
Reply:If you honestly want an answer to your question, go to the following link.
It discusses why you can trust the Bible.
It is very brief, will only take you about 5 minutes to read, unless you actually look up the scriptures in your own Bible. Then it will take you longer.
Reply:The Holy Bible is the inspired of Word of God and that is the truth and you can trust every Word in The Holy Bible as it was written for our benefit -a letter from our heavenly Father.
The liar, the deceiver, satan is wiley and either convinces people that he himself doesn't exist and/or satan attempts to distort everything good, but when you seek God with all of your heart He reveals Himself to us, and by His grace He allows us to find His hidden treasures... God reveals His parables... All of the Bible is good for teaching, instructing,reproof and correction. And if we are honest, the truth shall set us free... Repent for your sins (all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God -or you call God a liar...have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, looked at someone with lust?), when we repent and turn away from our sins, He is just to forgive us when we believe in Jesus Christ and that He died for our sins and our heavenly Father rose Him again three days later... Call on Jesus and start following in His ways...He is kind and good and humble and He is the way, the truth and the life, His Words are a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path...God Is Love...He is the same yesterday, today and forever; praise His Holy Name...Praise Him for who He is...and Jesus promises to never leave you nor forsake you...
Now is the time for salvation...
die to self, pride, arrogance, being cynical, sarcastic, needing to be first or right all the time, Gods ways are higher...not easier-it is easier to be puffed up and full of pride and vanity than it is to bow down...but when we do bow ourselves down into His loving hands real joy unspeakable joy is revealed...and satan no longer controls us...
"I am forgive, because You were forsaken, I'm accepted, You were condemned, I'm alive and well Your Spirit dwells within me because You died and rose again. Amazing love how can it be, that you my King should die for me, amazing love, I know it's true and it's my joy to honor you, in all I do, to honor you...Jesus you are my King...Jesus you are my King..." an awesome song...
Trusting in Jesus our Redeemer...
Never give up...it takes time but He never fails...
Sista C
Reply:The flood was an event that effected the entire globe. The fact that other cultures have the story passed down hardly disproves it. While some similar stories exist in other literature, the Bible did not just take these stories as its own.
Reply:your mom is a mesopotamian
Reply:How do you know that the Mesopotamians did not plagiarize the bible? The reason these stories occur in different cultures is because they happened.
Reply:The bible is not liturally true you see people of 2000 years ago were dumb so god but things into context lies if thats what you want
Reply:There are about 300 cultures that claim that their start came from 8 people surniving a world wide flood. The Ark has been seen. It is split in half, but they can be seen from time to time. Google Noah's Ark and check out some of the information that comes up!! There is to much evidence to discount as a myth.
Reply:..........................u r a ^%26amp;%$#@
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