Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bible study? What is the fruit of the christians tree?

The fruit of the Holy Spirit: faith, hope, love, joy, peace, patience, etc...

Bible study? What is the fruit of the christians tree?
Eternal Life
Reply:The fruit of a true christian's tree is that of doing fine works. If the tree is healthy, it will produce fine fruit. If the tree is rotten, it will produce rotten fruits.

This is also relevant to making disciples as Jesus instructed us to do. By teaching others what Christ taught us, we are producing fine fruit for God's coming Kingdom.
Reply:If you refer to the tree of knowledge..how is it the Christian tree as this was handed down from Moses in the first book of Moses we refer to as Genesis?. The Christian tree was also in the midst of the Garden it is called the Tree of Life and is our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Eat of this and they will live forever may God bless your search for truth.
Reply:little christians that grow into big christians that will continue the harrassment of non-christians for all time (aka, just before Jesus comes back).
Reply:Could it be the Blood line of Jesus Christ.
Reply:We live forever with Jesus.
Reply:their works or deeds that is done to glorify the Father and Christ
Reply:Peace, love, perseverance, patience , kindness, joy, gentleness, goodness, faith, temperance, long suffering , meekness, truth and righteousness.
Reply:Hypocrisy, intolerance and conceit.
Reply:The result of the life the Christian lives

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